World Health Congress 2021 Prague >> Guests

Ing. Adolf Inneman, Ph.D.

Ing. Adolf Inneman, Ph.D. - Czech Republic

Space engineer working with ESA and NASA, popularizer of science and knowledge of ancient civilizations of India, Japan, Maya and Chinese philosophy, propagator of spiritual traditions of Jan Amos Comenius and his work De Rerum Humanarum Emendatione Consultatio Catholica.

1982 – 1987, engineering studies at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague
1987 – 1999, regular lecturer at the Prague Unitaria, lectures on Science and Faith
1991 – 2001, chairman of the spiritual organization Humanitas Bohemia, which celebrated its 100th anniversary last year
1993 – 2008, presenter of literary-dramatic programs at the Lyra Pragensis theatre
1995, founder of the international research company REFLEX, which in 2007 became a part of the Japanese company RIGAKU, X-ray devices manufacturer
1995 – 2001, PhD. studies at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Precision Mechanics and Optics
2000, organizer of the Czech Healers Conference at the Hrubá Skála Castle, four times a year
2001 – 2003, graduate of Ayurvedic University and currently member of the board of directors
2003, appointed reporter of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic for foreign cooperation within the Super Excellence projects
2007, got European patent for the realization of a large X-ray space telescope of the future
2010 – 2023, member of the implementation team of the 1st Czech technological satellite VZLU-SAT 1 (launched from India in 2017),
2015, one year training in regression techniques for exploring of past lives, currently training supervisor
2017, realization of a joint US-Czech NASA rocket experiment – X-ray tracking of VELA Nebula
2018 – 2023, member of the implementation team of the 2nd Czech technological satellite VZLU-SAT 2 (launch from the USA in 2022, Falcon 9)

In my professional practice, I work with students from a number of universities, who in our company laboratories completes their engineering and PhD. theses, focused on peaceful space exploration.

I have been involved in healthy living all my life and I am seeking ways for humankind to live in peace and harmony with planet Earth and the Universe. I am married for the second time and have large family with eight children and eight grandchildren that make me happy. We are all vegetarians, we all practice Yoga and believe that we are not alone in the Universe. We are filled with optimism about all of us: LET EVERYTHING FLOW BY ITSELF – NO VIOLENCE! WHERE THE LIGHT IS BROUGHT – DARKNESS NATURALLY DISAPPEARS – WITHOUT FIGHT (Jan Amos Comenius, 1592 – 1670).


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