World Health Congress 2023 Prague >> Members of the Presidium

Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc., Czech Republic

Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc. - Czech Republic

Educationalist, Researcher, Publicist and Author

In 1961 - 1966 she graduated with honours from the Faculty of Science, Charles University, in biology-chemistry, specializing in animal and human physiology, She completed her postgraduate studies at the Department of General Zoology and in 1971 obtained the degree RNDr. (Czech equivalent of master‘s degree in science) and in 1972 degree of Candidate of Science (CSc., Czech equivalent of Ph.D.). In 1980, after defending her doctoral thesis, the Physiological Function of Phospholipids in Biological Membranes, she was appointed Associate Professor of General and Comparative Physiology. She completed several study stays abroad (Poland, Netherlands, USSR, GDR). In 1981 she was appointed Head of the Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University. She held this position until 1990. In 1987 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, the Physiological Function of Phosphoinositides, and earned her DrSc. degree (Czech equivalent of Research Professor). In 1989, president of the Czech Republic appointed her professor of physiology. She worked at the Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, until her retirement (2006). She taught biology at the Waldorf Lyceum for one school year; in 2007–2012 she worked part-time in the Laboratory of Biochemical Neuropharmacology of the Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics of the First Faculty of Medicine.

She has been an investigator of a number of scientific projects, author of five university textbooks, member of an editorial board of the News in Physiological Sciences (USA) and a journal Fluoride, a member of several Czech and international scientific societies. In 1995 she received a diploma Woman of the Year from the American Biography Institute.

In cooperation with prof. MUDr. Cyril Höschl, she researched Alzheimer‘s disease and won several awards in this area. She has published more than 300 scientific papers and 14 popularization books, some of which have become bestsellers (see In 1990 she attended a 2-month course at the Center of Non-traditional Medicine in Moscow and for 15 years she was engaged in healing using contactless massage.

Since 2006 she has been researching the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders and her articles in foreign journals have received a great response. She is repeatedly invited to various world congresses. She gives lectures and writes journal articles. Her husband Otakar died in 2009, she has 2 children, MUDr. Kateřina Seimlová (1965) and Mgr. Otakar Strunecký, Ph.D. (1974).

Recording of oral presentation by Anna Strunecká at the World Health Congress 2021 Prague:

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